Obtaining Legal Funding If You Were Sexually Abused in the Boy Scouts
Tens of thousands of people have come forward with allegations of abuse and misconduct while they were in the boy scouts. Many, who were young boys at the time, experienced sexual abuse by their troop leaders and other members of the organization. It is believed that the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) tried to hide the allegations of abuse for decades.
In February 2020, the Boy Scouts of America filed bankruptcy as the statute of limitations was lifted that previously had prevented sexual abuse victims from coming forward after decades of silence. However, even though the BSA has filed for bankruptcy, victims may still be able to take legal action against the organization.
Unfortunately, litigation can be costly. Legal funding can help ensure that you receive the money you need until your case is resolved. At Triumph Legal Funding, we help individuals obtain the funding they need while they wait for their cases to settle. If you have filed a lawsuit against the Boy Scouts of America, but need money now, contact our office at (973) 362-3500 to schedule a free consultation.
How Funding Can Help in a BSA Lawsuit
It is well-documented that victims of childhood sexual abuse are often afraid to come forward. They may fear retaliation or not being believed. They may not want to get their abuser in trouble. Whatever the reason, many child sex abuse cases go unreported.
In acknowledging that it can take decades for a child sex abuse victim to come forward, many jurisdictions have lifted the statute of limitations that had previously barred them from doing so after a given amount of time. Today, more victims than ever have the ability to be heard.
Litigation, however, can be costly. Few people can afford to wait months or even years for their cases to resolve. Pre-settlement legal funding helps to offset the financial burden created by a lawsuit.
How Many Claims Have Been Filed Against the Boy Scouts?
According to Reuters, in excess of 80,000 people have filed claims against the Boy Scouts of America. The exact number of child abuse victims remains unknown since many people are afraid to come forward.
Who Is Eligible for Legal Funding for a BSA Lawsuit?
If you have filed a lawsuit or are planning to file a lawsuit against the Boy Scouts of America, you might be eligible for legal funding.
Individuals who may qualify for BSA lawsuit lending you must have:
- Been a member of the Boy Scouts of America;
- Experienced sexual abuse at the BSA
- Hired a licensed attorney to represent you
While not all cases qualify for legal funding, many do. It is important to discuss your funding options with a lender as early in the process as possible to determine how to move forward.
Did You File a BSA Lawsuit, But Need Money Now?
If you filed or are thinking about filing a lawsuit against the Boy Scouts of America, contact our office at (973) 362-3500 to determine your eligibility for legal funding. We will work hard to ensure you receive the money you need now so that you can settle for the largest possible recovery later.